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$10 Billion Foreign Investment to Colombia from Europe

Written by Ongresso - Business Beyond Borders | April 26, 2024

Big news for investors with an eye on Latin America! In 2024Colombia is expected to attract 10 billion US$ in foreign investment from Europe, with a particular focus on renewable energy projects. This surge in interest presents a golden opportunity for companies looking to expand into this dynamic and growing market.

Here's what makes Colombia so attractive

  • Government backing: The Colombian government is actively courting European investment, offering favorable conditions and strategic partnerships. Finance Minister Ricardo Bonilla recently highlighted this during a visit to London, mentioning "investments for $10 billion to start" aimed at "important and strategic projects." This government support provides a level of stability and reduces risk for foreign investors.
  • Renewable energy focus: Colombia recognizes the growing importance of clean energy and is creating a welcoming environment for renewable energy projects. Bonilla specifically mentioned Ecopetrol, Colombia's state-owned energy company, as being "at a key moment to make strategic alliances in the effort to build green hydrogen." This shift towards renewables aligns with global trends and positions Colombia as a leader in the transition to a sustainable future.
  • Strong economic foundation: With foreign direct investment already on the rise (reaching $17.4 billion in 2023), Colombia boasts a stable and growing economy primed for further development. This strong economic base provides a secure platform for foreign companies to invest and flourish.
  • Strategic location: Colombia's location at the northern tip of South America offers easy access to both the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans, making it a logistical hub for trade with North and South America, as well as Europe. This strategic positioning allows companies to tap into a wider market and benefit from efficient transportation networks.

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This is where Ongresso comes in. Navigating the business landscape of a new country can be complex, especially with a language barrier and unfamiliar regulations. But Ongresso is here to help. We specialize in assisting foreign companies in setting up and succeeding in Latin America, with Colombia being one of our key areas of expertise.

Ongresso can help your company capitalize on this exciting opportunity

  • Streamlined business formation: We'll guide you through the entire process of establishing your business in Colombia, ensuring a smooth and efficient launch. We understand the complexities of Colombian bureaucracy and can navigate it on your behalf, saving you time and frustration.
  • Regulatory compliance: Our team of experts will ensure your business adheres to all relevant Colombian regulations. We stay up-to-date on the latest legal and regulatory changes, ensuring your business operates within the law and avoids any potential pitfalls.
  • Strategic partnerships: We can leverage our extensive network in Colombia to connect you with local partners and stakeholders who can facilitate your business operations. This includes potential joint venture partners, suppliers, and distributors, all crucial for success in the Colombian market.
  • Cultural navigation: We'll provide invaluable guidance on navigating the cultural nuances of doing business in Colombia. Understanding cultural norms and business etiquette is essential for building strong relationships and fostering trust with potential clients and partners.

Don't miss out on this chance to be part of Colombia's thriving economy! Contact Ongresso today to discuss your Colombian business goals and let our team of experts help you turn them into reality. Colombia is a land of opportunity, and with Ongresso by your side, you can navigate the path to success with confidence.