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How Easy is to do Business in Chile:

Chile • October 3, 2023 • Written by: Ongresso - Business Beyond Borders

Chile: A Prime Destination for Business

Chile, often lauded as one of Latin America's economic powerhouses, holds a prominent position among emerging economies on the global stage. Over the past few decades, it has consistently attracted foreign investors seeking stability, a pro-business environment, and promising prospects for growth. In this blog, we will delve into the business landscape in Chile, its strengths, challenges, and the myriad opportunities it presents for businesses and investors.

A Stable Economy with Global Appeal for Business in Chile**

Chile's economic stability forms the bedrock of its attractiveness to investors. With a low level of public debt and a robust financial system, it provides a secure environment for both domestic and international businesses. The country's legal system and institutions further bolster this stability, instilling confidence in business operations.

Chile: A Hub for International Business

One of Chile's key strengths lies in its position as a major player in the global market. The high demand for commodities, particularly copper and lithium, has solidified its status as an international economic force. In fact, between 2015 and 2022, Chile ranked as one of the top recipients of foreign direct investment in Latin America, following only Brazil and Mexico.


Openness to Trade: Expanding Business Horizons in Chile

Chile's proactive approach to trade agreements has significantly expanded its reach for businesses. With agreements in place with over 60 countries, it has transformed its domestic market of 18 million residents into a gateway to more than 4,300 million potential consumers worldwide. This extensive network covers approximately 85.7% of the global GDP and encompasses 63% of the world's population.
Chile's support for businesses is evident through mechanisms such as the principle of free exchange and over 35 double taxation treaties, making it an attractive destination for international business ventures.

Diverse Appeal: From Natural Beauty to Modern Infrastructure for Business

Chile offers more than just economic opportunities for businesses. Its diverse geography presents visitors with stunning natural landscapes, a safe environment, stable politics, and modern infrastructure. In fact, the Global Liveability Index of 2023 ranks Chile as the second most desirable place to reside in Latin America.

Key Industries: Business Opportunities in Manufacturing, Agriculture, and Mining

Chile's industrial prowess extends across manufacturing, agriculture, and mining sectors. Notably, it stands as a leading global copper producer and a major supplier of lithium. In 2022, the country's GDP reached USD16,500 per capita, positioning it as the 44th largest economy in the world.

However, it's worth noting that Chile faces inflation concerns in 2023 due to increased spending and boosted private consumption, primarily driven by pandemic-related policies. To address this, monetary authorities have gradually implemented measures to curb inflation and phase out fiscal stimulus.

Chile also has significant potential for businesses in renewable energy generation, which is crucial as the world moves towards cleaner energy sources.

Recent Challenges: Social Unrest and Constitutional Reform Impact on Business

In 2019, Chile witnessed widespread protests that challenged its reputation for social and political stability. However, efforts to address these issues, including a constitutional renewal process, have been made. Despite initial setbacks, the country is on a path toward regained stability.

**Energy Matrix Diversification: Meeting Growing Demands in Business**

Chile faces challenges in diversifying its energy mix to meet increasing demand for businesses. The shift away from hydroelectric power and reliance on natural gas imports has left the country grappling with energy supply issues. However, Chile has been making strides in expanding its energy capacity through renewable sources, including solar and wind power.

Green Hydrogen and Lithium Prospects for Businesses

Chile holds immense potential in the production of green hydrogen, which is expected to gain traction globally. The country is projected to have an installed capacity of 25 GW dedicated to green hydrogen production by 2030.

Chile's substantial lithium reserves position it as a key player in the global lithium market. With efficient production processes and a growing demand for lithium in various industries, including batteries and electronics, Chile is set to benefit significantly from its position as a major producer.
In addition to existing trade agreements, Chile has ratified the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), enhancing its trade relations with multiple countries. The country is also engaged in negotiations with the EU, the UK, Indonesia, and the Pacific Alliance to further broaden its trade horizons.

Fostering Entrepreneurship and Investment: Business Initiatives in Chile

Chile's commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and investment is evident in its rankings as a favorable destination for international business and innovation. The government's measures to promote entrepreneurship include tax incentives for investments in capital assets and efforts to streamline regulatory processes.

In conclusion, Chile's economic resilience, diverse opportunities, and commitment to fostering business make it an attractive destination for investors and businesses looking to expand their presence in Latin America. Whether you are considering entering the Chilean market or exploring investment opportunities, Chile offers a stable and promising environment for your business endeavors.

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