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Labor Law Mexico in 2023: Workers' Rights and Employment Regulations - Ongresso

Written by admin | June 19, 2023

The Framework of Mexican Labor Law Explained 

The framework of Mexican labor law is built around a number of fundamental features and laws. It controls employment interactions and defines employers‘ and employeesrights and responsibilities. To begin, the Federal Labor Law is the primary piece of legislation, addressing themes like contracts, working hours, salaries, benefits, termination, and disputes. Furthermore, collective bargaining is acknowledged as a method of negotiating labor conditions. In addition, labor courts and appellate courts hear labor-related cases. Moreover, social security provisions cover healthcare, retirement benefits, and other benefits. Furthermore, labor inspections assure compliance. Furthermore, modifications and secondary laws are used to adapt to changing needs. Finally, understanding this paradigm is critical for compliance and equitable labor relations. 

Different Types of Employment Contracts in Mexico 

Temporary Contract: This contract is utilized when the job is seasonal or temporary in nature, when an employee is filling in for another unsuited employee, or when the work is done once a specified project is completed. In Mexico, the most common type of contract is the indefinite period contract. It establishes a continuing working partnership with no set end date. Companies may, however, have a trial or training period before signing an indefinite contract. Formal criteria for labor contracts in Mexico. 

Contract for Trial Period: This contract allows the company to evaluate the person before hiring them on an indefinite basis. Most cases last up to 30 days and up to 180 days for directors, managers, and specialized experts. If the firm decides not to continue the employment after the trial period, the contract might be terminated without severance pay. 

Initial Training Contract: This contract is utilized when an employee needs to learn specific abilities before they can do their job well. It provides for a term of training before signing an indefinite contract. This contract can last up to 90 days in most situations and up to 180 days in the case of directors, managers, and specialized specialists. 

It is crucial to remember that labor rules in Mexico support indefinite-term contracts, and such contracts can only be terminated voluntarily by the employee, justified by the firm, or wrongfully by the company. 

Contents of an Employment Contract in Mexico

  • Details about the company and the employee, such as name, address, country, RFC, and so on. 
  • Workplace relationship type. 
  • Services to be provided. 
  • Workday duration.  
  • The location where the services will be provided. 
  • The salary amount. 
  • Date and location of payment. 
  • Skills development. 
  • Others (vacations, Christmas bonuses, and so on).

To be recognized valid under Mexican labor rules, every contract must incorporate all of these points.

Workers’ Rights in Mexico 

Minimum Wage 

On January 1, 2023, Mexico’s general daily minimum salary ncreased by 20% to $207.44 pesos per work day, up from $172.87 in 2022. Moreover, the cost for 2023 along the ‘Northern Border Zone’ has been raised to $312.41 pesos per work day, a 20% increase from the rate of $260.34 in 2022. 

Working Hours  

Working hours in Mexico can be up to 48 hours per week. However, the Mexican Congress issued a ruling in late April 2023 to change the Constitution and decrease the workweek from 48 to 40 hours per week. This labor reform in Mexico has not yet become law, but it is expected to do so in September. 

Vacation Days  

Employees who have worked for the same employer for at least one year are entitled to a minimum of 12 paid vacation days. 

The Federal Labour Law of Mexico requires employers to provide paid vacation days and a vacation premium to their employees. Previously, following their first year of employment, employees were entitled to six days of paid vacation. The hike is in line with the Mexican government’s statement of a goal to improve employee well-being and reduce stress across the country. 

Opportunities and Challenges for US Investors 

For US-based foreign investors, Mexico’s labor laws give both opportunities and disadvantages. On the one hand, Mexico’s labor force provides a cost and skill advantage, making it an appealing destination for American corporations wishing to expand operations. 

Furthermore, Mexico’s labor legislation fosters stability by promoting indefinite-term contracts that establish long-term connections between companies and employees. This can create employee loyalty, productivity, and consistency, which benefits international enterprises seeking long-term success. 

However, foreign investors may face difficulties with Mexico’s labor laws. Compliance with the complicated and ever-changing legislation necessitates an in-depth awareness of local labor practices, such as necessary benefits, working conditions, and termination procedures

Furthermore, labor unions play an important role in Mexico, and foreign businessmen must be prepared to properly work with them. Building positive relationships with unions can be critical for sustaining amicable labor relations and minimizing operational interruptions. 

How Ongresso Can Help Foreign Investors Navigate Mexico’s Labor Laws 

A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) like Ongresso can help you overcome these obstacles. They are knowledgeable about local labor practices and can help foreign investors navigate Mexico’s labor rules and benefit from its labor market. Moreover, Ongresso can help with talent acquisition, legal compliance, and developing strong connections with labor unions. Foreign investors can use Mexico’s labor advantages while mitigating problems with the help of Ongresso, assuring a successful entry into the country’s market. 

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