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Latin America: A Market Research Guide for Investors

Corporate Services • August 11, 2023 • Written by: Ongresso - Swiss Partner in Latin America


Launching your business into a new market can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. The potential rewards are immense, but the risks are equally substantial. In the case of expanding into Latin America, a diverse and dynamic region, the importance of thorough market research cannot be overstated. Without proper insight, entering this complex business environment could lead to costly mistakes that might dent your reputation, time, and financial resources.

Understanding the Essence of Market Research

Market research is the foundation upon which successful market entry strategies are built. It involves gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data about the target market, industry trends, consumer preferences, competition, and regulatory landscape. Its goal is to equip businesses with actionable insights that guide decision-making and mitigate risks.

The Latin American Landscape

Latin America presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for businesses. The region's business environment is characterized by intricate legal frameworks, economic cycles, and distinct regional variations. Navigating through these intricacies demands a nuanced understanding that only thorough market research can provide.

Why Choose Expert Market Research Companies?

Embarking on market research in Latin America necessitates tapping into the expertise of specialized market research companies as Ongresso. These firms possess the experience, local knowledge, and resources needed to delve deep into the complexities of the region. Partnering with our experts ensures a complete understanding of the market landscape, including market size, competition analysis, product-market fit assessment, and market entry strategies.

Crucial Steps in Conducting Market Research

1. Defining Objectives: Begin by setting clear research objectives. What do you aim to achieve with this research? Whether it's identifying market trends or evaluating potential barriers, defining your goals is crucial.

2. Data Collection: This involves gathering data from various sources such as primary research (surveys, interviews), secondary research (existing reports, publications), and tertiary research (online databases). In Latin America, where information can be dispersed and diverse, local expertise is invaluable.

3. Competitive Analysis: Understanding your competitors is essential. Who are they? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What differentiates your offering from theirs? This analysis helps you carve a niche in the market.

4.Consumer Insights: Understanding the preferences, behaviors, and needs of your target audience is pivotal. Local experts can provide cultural insights that influence consumer choices.

5. Regulatory Landscape: Navigating through Latin America's intricate legal frameworks is a challenge. Local market research companies possess insights into regulatory hurdles, helping you avoid legal pitfalls.

Defining Success with Market Research

Success in the Latin American market hinges on the depth of your market research efforts. The insights gained will empower you to make informed decisions, develop tailored market entry strategies, and position your brand effectively. A well-executed market research plan can substantially reduce risks, optimize resource allocation, and elevate your chances of success.


The Latin American market holds immense promise for businesses willing to invest the time and effort in thorough market research. The complexities of the region require specialized insights that can only be provided by expert market research companies. By partnering with professionals who understand the local landscape, you position your business for success, ensuring that your entry into Latin America is marked by calculated strategies rather than uncertain gambles. Remember, in the world of business, knowledge truly is power, and market research is the key to unlocking it in Latin America.



We invite you to check the testimonial about our client AGEX, "Ongresso provided us with excellent service and unsurpassed work quality. They have ‘boots on the ground’ in Latin America which is essential when entering a new export market. We are looking to grow our footprint in the region and we will definitely be utilizing the services of Ongresso in order to continue our expansion."

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