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Nearshoring to Mexico: A Competitive Advantage Solution

Mexico • March 8, 2023 • Written by: admin

Nearshoring is a business strategy that involves outsourcing work of various types to nearby countries. Nearshoring has become increasingly popular in recent years as companies seek to reduce costs, increase efficiency and gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

As the business landscape becomes increasingly competitive, companies and businesses are continually searching for ways or methods to gain an edge over their rivals. One solution that has grabbed traction in recent years is nearshoring to Mexico. With its proximity to the United States, a large and skilled workforce, and competitive wages ( way lower compared to the US), Mexico presents a range of nearshoring opportunities for businesses looking to improve their bottom line.

By nearshoring to Mexico, companies can take advantage of the country’s lower operating costs while maintaining proximity to their main markets. Additionally, Mexico’s favorable trade agreements with many countries, including the US and Canada, further enhance its appeal as a nearshoring destination.

Overall, nearshoring to Mexico presents a strategic opportunity for businesses looking to optimize their operations and gain a competitive advantage in today’s global marketplace. In this blog post, we explore the reasons that have made Mexico a popular nearshoring destination and how companies can benefit from this trend.

Nearshoring vs. Offshoring: Choosing the Right Business Strategy for Global Success

Nearshoring and offshoring are two strategies used by companies to move business functions from one country to another. But what are their differences and which one is more convenient? Let’s see, nearshoring consists of outsourcing business functions to a country that is close in terms of time, language and culture. For example, a U.S.-based company may choose to nearshore to Mexico.

On the other hand, offshoring means moving business functions to a country far from the company’s headquarters, usually in a different time zone and with a different culture and language. For example, a U.S.-based company may choose to offshore to India or the Philippines. Although both nearshoring and offshoring are challenging, economically and administratively challenging, many businesses opt for these practices because they offer cost savings and access to new markets. Which is more convenient?

Nearshoring often facilitates collaboration and communication between teams, as well as cultural and linguistic compatibility. It can offer a number of cost savings, such as reduced transportation and logistics costs.

Offshoring boasts even lower labor costs and access to specialized skills or technologies that may not be available locally. However, distance and time differences can pose challenges in terms of communication and coordination, as well as potential cultural differences that can affect business operations.

Ultimately, then, the decision to nearshoring or offshoring will depend on a number of factors, such as business objectives, budget and resources. Companies must evaluate the amount of effort required versus the potential benefits to be gained and define which approach best suits their needs and helps them achieve their long-term goals.

nearshoring mexico

Why Mexico offers the best conditions for nearshoring

Mexico has become an attractive country for nearshoring due to its proximity to the United States, the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Canada USMCA, low labor costs, safe and efficient supply chains, and strong performance in the national industry, particularly the automotive sector. Mexico also has favorable characteristics such as its strategic geographical position, natural resources, young and numerous labor force, and integration into the world economic order.

Various industries have presented the greatest qualities thanks to nearshoring, including the automotive industry, metalworking, electronic commerce, construction, and textile industry. The United States, Canada, Spain, China, and Germany are the main countries that do nearshoring in Mexico in areas such as manufacturing, financial and insurance services, retail and wholesale trade, and communication.

Geographic proximity: Mexico is located south of the United States and shares a border with it, making it an ideal location for companies looking to outsource work without having to deal with the logistical challenges associated with working with far-flung countries. Proximity to Mexico means companies can still maintain direct control over outsourced work. Another benefit is shorter travel times and fewer communication barriers, as time zones also coincide.

Large and skilled workforce: the country has a population of over 128 million people, a large portion of whom work in the service sector. Mexico has many well-established universities, some of which are ranked among the top 200 universities in the world. This allows for a large number of qualified professionals to be produced in areas such as IT, engineering and finance. With such a large pool of talent, companies can find the right people with the right skills for a job at a lower cost than in their home country. In addition to this, the workforce usually has a very good level of English.

Business-friendly environment: the Mexican government has taken measures to encourage foreign investment and business growth, including tax incentives and simplified bureaucracy. In addition, Mexico has signed free trade agreements with more than 40 countries, making it an attractive location for companies looking to expand their global presence.

The benefits of nearshoring in Mexico are not limited to cost savings and proximity. It also gives companies access to a diverse and vibrant culture, which can be beneficial for building a strong business and developing innovative ideas. Mexico is known for its rich history, art and cuisine. The country is also home to a growing technology scene that attracts entrepreneurs and investors from around the world.

Here’s what your company needs to consider when looking to expand to Mexico

In addition to a number of benefits, nearshoring in Mexico, like any other business strategy, comes with some challenges. Companies must overcome the cultural and language barriers that can arise when working with a different workforce. They must also ensure that local laws and regulations are followed. However, these challenges can be successfully overcome and benefits reaped with the right partners and a solid plan. Ongresso can help you meet these challenges: Our services assist you at every step of the way, from validating your go-to-market strategy, to producing results fast to setting up your successful presence anywhere in Latin America.

Exploring Nearshoring Opportunities to Mexico: A Strategic Business Move for 2023

In addition to a number of benefits, nearshoring in Mexico, like any other business strategy, comes with some challenges. Companies must overcome the cultural and language barriers that can arise when working with a different workforce. They must also ensure that local laws and regulations are followed. However, these challenges can be successfully overcome and benefits reaped with the right partners and a solid plan. Ongresso can help you meet these challenges: Our services assist you at every step of the way, from validating your go-to-market strategy, to producing results fast to setting up your successful presence anywhere in Latin America.

Due to its proximity to the United States, Mexico has emerged as an appealing destination for Nearshoring. Moreover, the ongoing tensions between the US and China, fueled by geopolitical conflicts over Taiwan and the Ukraine-Russia war, have prompted several Western companies to consider relocating their operations to Mexico in case the situation worsens.

There are several factors that support Nearshoring between Mexico and the United States, including the proximity between the two countries, Mexico’s Free Trade Agreement with the United States and Canada (USMCA), the low labor costs in Mexico, the secure and effective supply chains, and the strong performance of the national industry, particularly in the automotive sector. Additionally, tensions between China and the United States have also contributed to the attractiveness of Nearshoring in Mexico.

Mexico’s future growth is promising, but it requires improvement in infrastructure to make relocation easier and attract more companies. Nearshoring has the potential to make Mexico a world power.


In summary, nearshoring in Mexico has become a popular business strategy for companies looking to outsource their work to a nearby country with a skilled workforce, business-friendly environment and rich culture. With proper planning and execution, nearshoring in Mexico can help companies achieve their goals while reducing costs and increasing efficiency. One effective way to achieve this is by partnering with a company that specializes in these services, such as Ongresso. We provide language and cultural training, legal and regulatory compliance, and government relations services to help businesses mitigate potential risks. They also have local experts in each country who have a deep understanding of the local market and can provide valuable insights and advice. Choosing Ongresso as a partner can greatly benefit your business by providing the necessary tools and expertise to succeed in the Latin American market.

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