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Peru's Investment-Friendly Environment

Written by Ongresso - Business Beyond Borders | December 11, 2023

Peru, with its rich cultural heritage, diverse geography, and a burgeoning economy, has emerged as an attractive destination for foreign investments. A key factor contributing to this allure is the country's favorable legal environment, which provides a stable and supportive framework for investors. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Peru's legal landscape that make it a haven for those seeking lucrative investment opportunities.


1. Political Stability and Rule of Law

2. Investor Protections and Guarantees

3. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)

4. Streamlined Regulatory Processes

5. Investment Incentives

6. Natural Resource Wealth and Mining Opportunities

7. Infrastructure Development

8. Financial Market Regulations


1. Political Stability and Rule of Law

One of the fundamental pillars of an investment-friendly environment is political stability. Peru has made significant strides in establishing a stable political climate over the past decades. The country has embraced democratic principles and has demonstrated a commitment to the rule of law. This stability minimizes the risks associated with abrupt policy changes and ensures that investors can operate within a predictable and transparent legal framework.

2. Investor Protections and Guarantees

Peru recognizes the importance of protecting investors and their assets. The legal system provides robust mechanisms to safeguard the rights of both domestic and foreign investors. The country is a signatory to various international agreements and treaties, offering additional layers of protection for investors. These agreements often include provisions related to dispute resolution, ensuring that conflicts can be addressed through impartial and internationally recognized mechanisms.

3. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)

Peru has actively engaged in establishing free trade agreements with numerous countries, fostering a conducive environment for international trade and investments. Notable agreements include the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and agreements with the European Union and China. These FTAs provide investors with preferential access to markets, reduce trade barriers, and enhance the overall appeal of Peru as a strategic investment destination.

4. Streamlined Regulatory Processes

Peru has implemented measures to simplify and expedite regulatory processes, reducing bureaucratic hurdles for businesses. Initiatives such as the National Single Window for Foreign Trade and the simplification of administrative procedures have facilitated a more efficient business environment. This streamlining of processes not only enhances the ease of doing business but also encourages investment by minimizing unnecessary delays and administrative burdens.

5. Investment Incentives

To further attract foreign capital, Peru offers various investment incentives across different sectors. These incentives may include tax breaks, preferential treatment, and special economic zones. The government's proactive approach to promoting investments contributes to a favorable environment for businesses looking to establish or expand their operations in the country.

6. Natural Resource Wealth and Mining Opportunities

Peru boasts abundant natural resources, including minerals, metals, and energy reserves. The legal framework governing the extraction and exploitation of these resources is well-defined, providing clarity for investors in the mining and energy sectors. Peru is a global leader in copper production, and its mining industry continues to attract significant investments. The legal regime ensures that these ventures can be conducted responsibly and sustainably.

7. Infrastructure Development

The Peruvian government has prioritized infrastructure development, recognizing its pivotal role in economic growth. Legal frameworks have been established to encourage public-private partnerships (PPPs) in infrastructure projects. These partnerships create opportunities for private investors to participate in the development of transportation, energy, and telecommunications infrastructure, further bolstering the investment landscape.

8. Financial Market Regulations

A sound and well-regulated financial sector is crucial for attracting investments. Peru has implemented robust financial market regulations, fostering confidence in the banking and financial systems. The country has a well-functioning stock exchange, and regulatory bodies ensure compliance with international standards, providing a secure environment for investors to engage in financial transactions.


Peru's legal environment stands as a testament to the country's commitment to fostering a conducive atmosphere for investments. With political stability, investor protections, free trade agreements, streamlined processes, and targeted incentives, Peru has positioned itself as a prime destination for those seeking to capitalize on its economic potential. Ongresso is present in Peru for many years counting on a vast network of experts familiar with local markets, laws and taxes. Our consultants assist our partner firms in finding the suitable investment opportunities and support them in facilitating their market entry providing all the necessary information. As global investors continue to seek stable and lucrative opportunities, Peru's legal landscape shines as a beacon, beckoning businesses to participate in the nation's ongoing economic growth.