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Renewable Energies: High Potential in Latin America - Ongresso

Written by admin | April 18, 2023

Renewable Energy Mix by Type

Latin America has a particularly high concentration of solar energy because the majority of its nations experience year-round high amounts of sunlight. Chile, for instance, has one of the highest levels of sun irradiation in the world. Brazil and Mexico are making significant investments in solar power.

Another prospective renewable energy source in Latin America is wind energy. It has attracted investment from various nations in the region, including Brazil, Chile, and Mexico.

In Latin America, hydroelectricity is a key source of renewable energy. Many nations in the region relying on it to meet a sizeable amount of their electrical needs. For instance, Brazil produces more than 60% of its electricity through hydropower. Also nations like Colombia and Peru largely rely on this renewable energy source.

Another possible source of renewable energy in Latin America is geothermal energy. Particularly nations with active geothermal systems like Chile and Mexico can profit from it. Mexico has one of the greatest geothermal deposits in the world, whereas Chile is thought to have a geothermal potential of over 3,000 MW.

The use of biomass energy is also growing. It entails producing energy from organic materials like wood, agricultural waste, and municipal solid waste. To lessen their dependency on fossil fuels, a number of nations in the area, particularly Brazil and Colombia, are investing in biomass energy projects.

Renewable energy sources accounted for 42,5% of the increase in Latin America generation capacity between 2010 and 2021.

Opportunities for Growth in New Markets for Foreign Investors

The promotion of renewable energy has advanced greatly in recent years, with several Latin American countries passing legislation to encourage the purchase and adoption of clean energy technologies. The goal is to increase energy security and reduce reliance on fossil. In addition, the renewable energy sectors entails high potential for export opportunities and employment creation.

First of all, the abundance of sustainable energy sources in Latin America presents enticing investment opportunities for global energy businesses seeking to expand into new markets and diversify their portfolios.

Second, the rapid economic and social development occurring in a number of Latin American countries is driving up the demand for energy to power homes and businesses. This need is expected to continue to increase in the coming years.

Thirdly, Latin America’s primary concerns are reducing dependency on fossil fuels and converting to renewable energy sources. As a result, many countries in the area have implemented rules and financial incentives to promote investment in renewable energy. As a result, it includes the creation a favorable environment for foreign businesses with expertise in this area.

Last but not least, there are opportunities for multinational corporations to get involved in the creation and upgrading of energy facilities, transmission lines, and distribution networks due to the relative underdevelopment of the energy infrastructure in many Latin American countries.

In conclusion, there are a number of compelling reasons for international energy companies to consider entering the Latin American market. Due to the region’s accessibility to natural resources, rising energy demand, emphasis on renewable energy, and potential for investing in energy infrastructure is it a attractive business.

Challenges Which Come Along With Renewable Energies

Besides the opportunities, there are also challenges to be aware. In this context, it is important for expanding companies to understand both sides of the of the coin. Furthermore, knowing emerging trends and innovative solutions that are shaping the future of energy in the region are key.

Here are some of the most significant barriers:

  1. Grid Infrastructure:
    In many places of Latin America, the infrastructure for the power grid has not yet been sufficiently constructed to manage the expansion of renewable energy sources. This may lead to problems with the capacity, stability, and dependability of the grid. The grid infrastructure needs to be updated and modernized in order to make it easier to integrate renewable energy sources.
  2. Land Use and Environmental Concerns:
    Concerns about land use and environmental effects can arise when developing renewable energy projects. A sustainable development of renewable energy plants is very important. It depends on adequate environmental protections and community involvement.
  3. Policy and Regulatory Framework:
    Another major obstacle to the growth of renewable energy is the absence of defined policies and regulations. It might be more challenging for investors to finance projects when there are conflicting policies or entrance hurdles for renewable energy projects.

Several parties must work together in a concerted effort to address these difficulties. Governments, business, and civil society are all involved in promoting the region’s sustainable development.


Companies may not only contribute to a more sustainable future by embracing the promise of renewable energy, but they can also take advantage of new markets and business prospects throughout Latin America.
Overall, Latin America has a lot of room to grow and develop its renewable energy sources, and many of its countries have already made significant progress in this area. By investing in renewable energy, Latin America can reduce its dependency on fossil fuels, improve its energy security, and aid global efforts to address climate change.